Technology Showcase
Sharing information and having good communication links has always been important for Fort Severn First Nation because it is a close-knit and remote community.
This technology showcase traces the history of how Fort Severn community members have been communicating and sharing information, starting with the time before digital technology existed in the community. When information and communication technologies (ICT) were introduced to Fort Severn, the community shaped them to meet their needs. Since those early days, Fort Severn community members have developed their own content, programs and services.
Over the years, Fort Severn has demonstrated its leadership with broadband and information and communication technologies by developing and implementing a community radio station, a community cable TV service, a community Internet service, a community mobile phone service, and community-led and supported services including tele-health, telemedicine, distance education and videoconferencing.
These community services were set up by community members, working collaboratively and cooperatively to decide what was best for the community. In many cases, the Fort Severn leadership worked closely with their tribal council Keewaytinook Okimakinak and its telecommunications division K-Net to develop and support these community services.
Fort Severn continues to use its information and communication technology and infrastructure not only to share information and communicate but also to expand the range of services it offers community members.
This showcase highlights the leadership shown by Fort Severn and its strategic partners to harness the power of broadband networks and ICT. It also includes the experiences of many community members who have been using the technologies successfully to meet personal and community goals.